Plant Sale
April 12
9 am- 2 pm
The Fayette Cares Plant Sale is a brilliant display of colorful flowers and community caring!
Hundreds from across West Tennessee and neighboring states flock to the botanic bonanza, purchasing plants and making donations in support of services to shelter people experiencing homelessness, create safety for victims of domestic violence, and restore stability from crisis.
The event is supported by Willow Oaks Farm, donations from local gardeners, Fayette County Master Gardeners, Wild Child Herb Shop of Tennessee, Kroger, Oakland Elementary School – Fayette County Public Schools, Boy Scout Troop #95, The Fayette Falcon, and amazing Fayette Cares volunteers.
Every contribution plants seeds of caring so families in crisis can grow resilient and blossom.
Click here to view event photos!
Whether planting in small containers or vast expanses, the plant sale has a huge selection of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, hanging baskets, and more.
Learn tips and tricks to grow your best garden with guidance from Fayette County Master Gardeners as you shop from nearly 10,000 plants. Enjoy free samples of Wild Child Herb’s herb-infused teas, fire ciders, and honey and learn from Certified Herbalist Ginger Winn about the remarkable health benefits of herbs.
Master Gardener Springtime Tips
Caring Supporters
Donate Plants to Help Caring Grow
Donating plants from your personal garden? Use this form to tell us what you're contributing!
Coloring Contest Open To All Ages
Coloring can be therapeutic for kids and adults, helping to promote wellness and mindfulness – the same benefits of meditation.
So, this FREE coloring contest is actually GOOD for you!
Entries must be received by April 9th, submitted by mail to: Fayette Cares, P.O. Box 326, Somerville, TN 38068 -OR- email to: