My previous relationship took a dark turn when the man who once knelt before my family and proposed to me, became the man who cracked my skull, broke my hip, stole my savings, and distanced me from my daughter.
Thanks to you, I found Fayette Cares and I escaped the nightmare.
Today, as an advocate and Fayette Cares Board Member, I am a survivor championing the mission to help others battling abuse, poverty, and despair.
As a board member, my involvement isn’t merely that of an observer, but rather someone deeply intertwined with our cause. I’ve navigated firsthand the very challenges Fayette Cares works to alleviate. It’s not something you can ever just get over, it was a big part of my life. But this personal insight allows me to empathize profoundly with those in need, recognizing that surmounting such obstacles is an ongoing endeavor.
My commitment to our work is grounded in having experienced every program that this amazing organization offers, from emergency food, shelter and clothing to life skills, utility and rent assistance.
Through firsthand experience, I know that progress is attainable, and that joy can be restored. With Fayette Cares, you will always have someone fighting for you to move forward.
My journey from the depths of adversity has taken me to a place of health and happiness in a loving relationship, and molded me into the daughter, sister, and mother I always aspired to be.
As a person whose family found safety and support at Fayette Cares, I know firsthand that your gifts bring hope to the hopeless. Fayette Cares supporters are beacons of hope for the disheartened. Together we can continue to stand together, fighting for a brighter future for everyone we serve.