Food Donation Wish List
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15 Items the Pantry Needs Most
Next time you head to the store, add these items to your shopping list
Listed in order of greatest need:
- Meals in a Box/Can: Ravioli, chili, pasta, rice and soup kits, especially those that are lower in sodium and higher in fiber and protein. Dinner doesn’t get easier than an entire meal that’s shelf-stable, which is a plus for those without stocked kitchens.
- Canned Meats: Canned chicken, tuna, and ham are easy to toss into soups and casseroles or added to a sandwich or cracker. The versatility and protein make these important pantry staples.
- Peanut Butter: Loved by kids and adults alike, this great source of protein can be a welcome sight at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack. Look for varieties that are lower in sugar.
- Shelf Stable or Powdered Milk: Because no fridge is required to keep this milk fresh, it’s accessible for everyone. Plus, it provides much-needed calcium and protein.
- Canned Beans: Loaded with protein and fiber, canned beans provide an excellent, nutritious way to fill hungry stomachs. Opt for low-sodium whenever possible. (Are you seeing a protein pattern? It’s our MOST needed but LEAST donated supply!)
- Fruit: Canned or in plastic cups, it’s an excellent source of nutrition and fiber especially if it’s packed in water or juice vs. sugary syrups. A glass of juice equals a serving of fruit, so juices are also welcome!
- Pasta: This is a pantry staple since it’s easy to turn into a meal. Whole grain varieties offer more fiber and nutrition than white pasta.
- Sauces: Spaghetti sauce + pasta + canned chicken = Chicken Spaghetti! Venison donated by Hunters for the Hungry works great in this recipe too!
- Rice: It’s filling, versatile and easy to prepare and store. Skip the white stuff and donate brown rice when possible, because it provides more fiber.
- Crackers: Perfect as a snack or as a base for canned meats, crackers are shelf-stable and portable. Whole grain crackers are the best bet.
- Instant Mashed Potatoes: Instant potatoes last longer and require minimal tools and ingredients to whip up. They’re also a favorite of every age group, making them a popular item.
- Whole Grain Cereal: Here’s another popular item with all ages, since whole grain cereal makes a healthy breakfast or snack. Select varieties that are low in sugar and high in fiber.
- Oatmeal: Another excellent source of fiber that stores well and makes a warm breakfast or snack.
- Granola Bars: Families need healthy foods that can quickly be tossed into lunches or eaten on the go, and granola bars are just the thing. Look for ones with less sugar and made with whole grains.
- Canned Vegetables: Colorful, nutrient-dense and fiber-rich vegetables are frequent pantry shelf residents. They are the MOST donated item. Look for low-sodium options.
Now all that’s left to do is shop, donate, and feel good knowing you’ve helped stock a home with nutritious groceries!
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