Score a Touchdown Against Hunger

Join the Souper Bowl of Caring on Game Day

Make your game day party more meaningful this year by hosting a Fayette Cares Souper Bowl of Caring!

Encourage your guests, whether at home, church, or any other party zone, to bring a lineup of non-perishable food items or financial donations. While you and your guests enjoy the big game, take the opportunity to make a difference for those who are without a bowl of soup.

Click for a list of most needed items or use the donate button to let Fayette Cares purchase exactly what is families need, when they need it.

After your game day party, reach out to Fayette Cares to coordinate a drop-off. This is a wonderful way to support Fayette Cares in providing meals to the food insecure.

Let’s transform the big game into a chance to tackle hunger and score a touchdown for community spirit!

Hosting a game day party at home, church, school, or corner bar?

Use this poster to help set up your donation display by the dip and wings!

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Gifts from caring individuals, like you, make up a majority of the support that allows the doors of Fayette Cares to remain open for those in crisis. Donate now to join Fayette Cares in creating lasting solutions!